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HDF5 User Guide 
And in this document, the HDF5 Reference Manual 
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H5O: Object Interface

Object API Functions

The Object interface, H5O, functions manipulate objects in an HDF5 file. This interface is designed to be used in conjunction with the Links interface (H5L).

The C Interfaces:
Alphabetical Listing

The FORTRAN90 Interfaces:
Fortran90 interfaces for the H5O APIs have not yet been implemented.

Name: H5Oclose
herr_t H5Oclose( hid_t object_id )

Closes an object in an HDF5 file.

H5Oclose closes the group, dataset, or named datatype specified by object_id.

This function is the companion to H5Oopen, and has the same effect as calling H5Gclose, H5Dclose, or H5Tclose.

H5Oclose is not used to close a dataspace, attribute, property list, or file.


Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Ocopy
herr_t H5Ocopy( hid_t src_loc_id, const char *src_name, hid_t dst_loc_id, const char *dst_name, hid_t ocp_plist_id, hid_t lcpl_id )
Copies an object in an HDF5 file.
H5Ocopy copies the group, dataset or named datatype specified by src_name from the file or group specified by src_loc_id to the destination location dst_loc_id.

The destination location, as specified in dst_loc_id, may be a group in the current file or a location in a different file. If dst_loc_id is a file identifier, the copy will be placed in that file’s root group.

The new copy will be created with the name dst_name. dst_name must not pre-exist in the destination location; if dst_name already exists at the location dst_loc_id, H5Ocopy will fail.

The new copy of the object is created with the creation property lists specified by ocp_plist_id and lcpl_id.

Several flags are available to govern the behavior of H5Ocopy. These flags are set in the creation property list cplist_id with H5Pset_copy_object and H5Pset_create_intermediate_group. All of the available flags are described at H5Pset_copy_object.


Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.
Fortran90 Interface:

Name: H5Odecr_refcount
herr_t H5Odecr_refcount( hid_t object_id )

Decrements an object reference count.

H5Odecr_refcount decrements the hard link reference count for an object. It should be used any time a user-defined link that references an object by address is deleted. In general, H5Oincr_refcount will have been used previously, when the link was created.

An object’s reference count is the number of hard links in the file that point to that object. See the “Programming Model” section of the “HDF5 Groups” chapter in the HDF5 User’s Guide for a more complete discussion of reference counts.

If a user application needs to determine an object’s reference count, an H5Gget_objinfo call is required; the reference count is returned in the nlink field of the H5G_stat_t struct.

Warning: This function must be used with care!
Improper use can lead to inaccessible data, wasted space in the file, or file corruption.


Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Oget_comment
ssize_t H5Oget_comment( hid_t object_id, char *comment, size_t bufsize, )

Retrieves comment for specified object.

H5Oget_comment retrieves the comment for the specified object in the buffer comment.

The target object is specified by an identifier, object_id.

The size in bytes of the comment, including the NULL terminator, is specified in bufsize. If bufsize is unknown, a preliminary H5Oget_comment call with the pointer comment set to NULL will return the size of the comment without the NULL terminator.

If bufsize is set to a smaller value than described above, only bufsize bytes of the comment, without a NULL terminator, are returned in comment.

If an object does not have a comment, the empty string is returned in comment.


Upon success, returns the number of characters in the comment, not including the NULL terminator, or zero (0) if the object has no comment. The value returned may be larger than bufsize. Otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Oget_comment_by_name
ssize_t H5Oget_comment_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *name, char *comment, size_t bufsize, hid_t lapl_id )

Retrieves comment for specified object.

H5Oget_comment_by_name retrieves the comment for an object in the buffer comment.

The target object is specified by loc_id and name. loc_id can specify any object in the file. name can be one of the following:
  — The name of the object relative to loc_id
  — An absolute name of the object, starting from /, the file’s root group
  — A dot (.), if loc_id fully specifies the object

The size in bytes of the comment, including the NULL terminator, is specified in bufsize. If bufsize is unknown, a preliminary H5Oget_comment_by_name call with the pointer comment set to NULL will return the size of the comment without the NULL terminator.

If bufsize is set to a smaller value than described above, only bufsize bytes of the comment, without a NULL terminator, are returned in comment.

If an object does not have a comment, the empty string is returned in comment.

lapl_id contains a link access property list identifier. A link access propety list can come into play when traversing links to access an object.


Upon success, returns the number of characters in the comment, not including the NULL terminator, or zero (0) if the object has no comment. The value returned may be larger than bufsize. Otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Oget_info
herr_t H5Oget_info( hid_t object_id, H5O_info_t *object_info )

Retrieves the metadata for an object specified by an identifier.

H5Oget_info specifies an object by its identifier, object_id, and retrieves the metadata describing that object in the struct object_info

The struct H5O_info_t is defined (in H5Opublic.h) as follows :

typedef struct H5O_info_t {
    unsigned long       fileno;         /* File number that object is         */
                                        /*    located in                      */
    haddr_t             addr;           /* Object address in file             */
    H5O_type_t          type;           /* Basic object type (group,          */
                                        /*    dataset, etc.)                  */
    unsigned            rc;             /* Reference count of object          */
    time_t              atime;          /* Access time                        */
    time_t              mtime;          /* Modification time                  */
    time_t              ctime;          /* Change time                        */
    time_t              btime;          /* Birth time                         */
    hsize_t             num_attrs;      /* # of attributes attached to object */
    struct {
        unsigned version;               /* Version number of header format in */
                                        /*    file                            */
        unsigned nmesgs;                /* Number of object header messages   */
        unsigned nchunks;               /* Number of object header chunks     */
        unsigned flags;                 /* Object header status flags         */
        struct {
            hsize_t total;              /* Total space for storing object     */
                                        /*    header in file                  */
            hsize_t meta;               /* Space within header for object     */
                                        /*    header metadata information     */
            hsize_t mesg;               /* Space within header for actual     */
                                        /*    message information             */
            hsize_t free;               /* Free space within object header    */
        } space;
        struct {
            uint64_t present;           /* Flags to indicate presence of      */
                                        /*    message type in header          */
            uint64_t shared;            /* Flags to indicate message type is  */
                                        /*    shared in header                */
        } mesg;     
    } hdr;
    /* Extra metadata storage for obj & attributes */
    struct {
        H5_ih_info_t   obj;             /* v1/v2 B-tree & local/fractal heap  */
                                        /*    for groups, B-tree for chunked  */
                                        /*    datasets                        */
        H5_ih_info_t   attr;            /* v2 B-tree & heap for attributes    */
    } meta_size;
} H5O_info_t;

hid_t object_id IN: Identifier for target object
H5O_info_t *object_info     OUT: Buffer in which to return object information

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Oget_info_by_idx
herr_t H5Oget_info_by_idx( hid_t loc_id, const char *group_name, H5_index_t index_field, H5_iter_order_t order, hsize_t n, H5O_info_t *object_info, hid_t lapl_id )

Retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by an index position.

H5Oget_info_by_idx specifies a location, loc_id; a group name, group_name; an index by which obects in that group are tracked, index_field; the order by which the index is to be traversed, order; and an object’s position n within that index and retrieves the metadata describing that object in the struct object_info

object_info, in which the object information is returned, is a struct of type H5O_info_t. This struct type is described in the H5Oget_info function entry.

If loc_id fully specifies the group in which the object resides, group_name can be a dot (.).

The link access property list, lapl_id, is not currently used; it should be passed in as NULL.

hid_t loc_id IN: File or group identifier specifying location of group in which object is located
const char *group_name     IN: Name of group in which object is located
H5_index_t index_field IN: Index or field that determines the order
H5_iter_order_t order IN: Order within field or index
hsize_t n IN: Object for which information is to be returned
H5O_info_t *object_info OUT: Buffer in which to return object information
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list
(Not currently used; pass as NULL.)

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Oget_info_by_name
herr_t H5Oget_info_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *object_name, H5O_info_t *object_info, hid_t lapl_id )

Retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by location and relative name.

H5Oget_info_by_name specifies an object’s location and name, loc_id and object_name, respectively, and retrieves the metadata describing that object in the struct object_info.

The struct H5O_info_t is defined (in H5Opublic.h) as follows:

typedef struct H5O_info_t {
    unsigned long       fileno;         /* File number that object is         */
                                        /*    located in                      */
    haddr_t             addr;           /* Object address in file             */
    H5O_type_t          type;           /* Basic object type (group,          */
                                        /*    dataset, etc.)                  */
    unsigned            rc;             /* Reference count of object          */
    time_t              atime;          /* Access time                        */
    time_t              mtime;          /* Modification time                  */
    time_t              ctime;          /* Change time                        */
    time_t              btime;          /* Birth time                         */
    hsize_t             num_attrs;      /* # of attributes attached to object */
    struct {
        unsigned version;               /* Version number of header format in */
                                        /*    file                            */
        unsigned nmesgs;                /* Number of object header messages   */
        unsigned nchunks;               /* Number of object header chunks     */
        unsigned flags;                 /* Object header status flags         */
        struct {
            hsize_t total;              /* Total space for storing object     */
                                        /*    header in file                  */
            hsize_t meta;               /* Space within header for object     */
                                        /*    header metadata information     */
            hsize_t mesg;               /* Space within header for actual     */
                                        /*    message information             */
            hsize_t free;               /* Free space within object header    */
        } space;
        struct {
            uint64_t present;           /* Flags to indicate presence of      */
                                        /*    message type in header          */
            uint64_t shared;            /* Flags to indicate message type is  */
                                        /*    shared in header                */
        } mesg;     
    } hdr;
    /* Extra metadata storage for obj & attributes */
    struct {
        H5_ih_info_t   obj;             /* v1/v2 B-tree & local/fractal heap  */
                                        /*    for groups, B-tree for chunked  */
                                        /*    datasets                        */
        H5_ih_info_t   attr;            /* v2 B-tree & heap for attributes    */
    } meta_size;
} H5O_info_t;
The link access property list, lapl_id, is not currently used; it should be passed in as NULL.

hid_t loc_id IN: File or group identifier specifying location of group in which object is located
const char *name IN: Name of group, relative to loc_id
H5O_info_t *object_info     OUT: Buffer in which to return object information
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list
(Not currently used; pass as NULL.)

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Oincr_refcount
herr_t H5Oincr_refcount( hid_t object_id )

Increments an object reference count.

H5Oincr_refcount increments the hard link reference count for an object. It should be used any time a user-defined link that references an object by address is added. When the link is deleted, H5Odecr_refcount should be used.

An object’s reference count is the number of hard links in the file that point to that object. See the “Programming Model” section of the “HDF5 Groups” chapter in the HDF5 User’s Guide for a more complete discussion of reference counts.

If a user application needs to determine an object’s reference count, an H5Gget_objinfo call is required; the reference count is returned in the nlink field of the H5G_stat_t struct.

Warning: This function must be used with care!
Improper use can lead to inaccessible data, wasted space in the file, or file corruption.


Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Olink
herr_t H5Olink( hid_t object_id, hid_t new_loc_id, const char *new_link_name, hid_t lcpl, hid_t lapl )

Creates a hard link to an object in an HDF5 file.

H5Olink creates a new hard link to an object in an HDF5 file.

new_loc_id and new_name specify the location and name of the new link while object_id identifies the object that the link points to.

H5Olink is designed for two purposes:
  • To create the first hard link to an object that has just been created with one of the H5*create_anon functions or with H5Tcommit_anon.
  • To add additional structure to an existing file so that, for example, an object can be shared among multiple groups.
  • lcpl and lapl are the link creation and access property lists associated with the new link.

    hid_t object_id IN: Object to be linked.
    hid_t new_loc_id IN: File or group identifier specifying location at which object is to be linked.
    const char *new_link_name     IN: Name of link to be created, relative to new_loc_id.
    hid_t lcpl_id IN: Link creation property list identifier.
    hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list identifier.

    To create a new link to an object while simultaneously creating missing intermediate groups:
    Suppose that an application must create the group C with the path /A/B01/C but may not know at run time whether the groups A and B01 exist. The following code ensures that those groups are created if they are missing:
        hid_t lcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_LINK_CREATE);   /* Creates a link creation
                                                       * property list (LCPL).    */
        int   status  = H5Pset_create_intermediate_group(lcpl_id, TRUE);
                                               /* Sets "create missing intermediate
                                                * groups" property in that LCPL.  */
        hid_t gid     = H5Gcreate_anon(file_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
                                               /* Creates a group without linking 
                                                * it into the file structure.     */
        status        = H5Olink(obj_id, file_id, "/A/B01/C", lcpl_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
                                               /* Links group into file structure.*/

    Note that unless the object is intended to be temporary, the H5Olink call is mandatory if an object created with one of the H5*create_anon functions (or with H5Tcommit_anon) is to be retained in the file; without an H5Olink call, the object will not be linked into the HDF5 file structure and will be deleted when the file is closed.

    Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

    Fortran90 Interface:

    Release     C
    1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

    Name: H5Oopen
    hid_t H5Oopen( hid_t loc_id, const char *name, hid_t lapl_id )

    Opens an object in an HDF5 file by location identifier and path name.

    H5Oopen opens a group, dataset, or named datatype specified by a location, loc_id, and a path name, name, in an HDF5 file.

    This function opens the object in the same manner as H5Gopen, H5Topen, and H5Dopen. However, H5Oopen does not require the type of object to be known beforehand. This can be useful with user-defined links, for instance, when only a path may be known. H5Oopen cannot be used to open a dataspace, attribute, property list, or file.

    Once an object of unknown type has been opened with H5Oopen, the type of that object can be determined by means of an H5Iget_type call.

    loc_id can be either a file or group identifier. name must be the path to that object relative to loc_id.

    lapl_id is the link access property list associated with the link pointing to the object. If default link access properties are appropriate, this can be passed in as H5P_DEFAULT.

    When it is no longer needed, the opened object should be closed with H5Oclose, H5Gclose, H5Tclose, or H5Dclose.


    Returns an object identifier for the opened object if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

    Fortran90 Interface:

    Release     C
    1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

    Name: H5Oopen_by_addr
    hid_t H5Oopen_by_addr( hid_t loc_id, haddr_t addr )

    Opens an object using its address within an HDF5 file.

    H5Oopen_by_addr opens a group, dataset, or named datatype using its address within an HDF5 file, addr. The resulting opened object is identical to an object opened with H5Oopen and should be closed with H5Oclose or an object-type-specific closing function (such as H5Gclose) when no longer needed.

    loc_id can be either the file identifier or a group identifier in the file. In either case, the HDF5 Library uses the identifier only to identify the file.

    The object’s address within the file, addr, is the byte offset of the first byte of the object header from the beginning of the HDF5 file space, i.e., from the beginning of the super block (see the “HDF5 Storage Model” section of the “The HDF5 Data Model and File Structure” chapter of the HDF5 User’ Guide).

    addr can be obtained via either of two function calls. H5Gget_objinfo returns the object’s address in the objno field of the H5G_stat_t struct; H5Lget_linkinfo returns the address in the address field of the H5L_linkinfo_t struct.

    Warning: This function must be used with care!
    Improper use can lead to inaccessible data, wasted space in the file, or file corruption.

    This function is dangerous if called on an invalid address. The risk can be safely overcome by retrieving the object address with H5Gget_objinfo or H5Lget_linkinfo immediately before calling H5Oopen_by_addr. The immediacy of the operation can be important; if time has elapsed and the object has been deleted from the file, the address will be invalid and file corruption can result.

    The address of the HDF5 file on a physical device has no effect on H5Oopen_by_addr, nor does the use of any file driver. As stated above, the object address is its offset within the HDF5 file; HDF5’s file drivers will transparently map this to an address on a storage device.


    Returns an object identifier for the opened object if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

    Fortran90 Interface:

    Release     C
    1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

    Name: H5Oopen_by_idx
    herr_t H5Oopen_by_idx( hid_t loc_id, const char *group_name, H5_index_t index_field, H5_iter_order_t order, hsize_t n, hid_t lapl_id )

    Open the n’th object in a group.

    H5Oopen_by_idx description...

    If loc_id fully specifies the group in which the object resides, group_name can be a dot (.).

    hid_t loc_id IN: File or group identifier specifying location of group in which object is located
    const char *group_name     IN: Name of group in which object is located
    H5_index_t index_field IN: Index or field that determines the order
    H5_iter_order_t order IN: Order within field or index
    hsize_t n IN: Object to open
    hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list

    Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

    Fortran90 Interface:

    Release     C
    1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

    Name: H5Oset_comment
    herr_t H5Oset_comment( hid_t object_id, const char *comment )

    Sets comment for specified object.

    H5Oset_comment sets the comment for the specified object to the contents of comment. Any previously existing comment is overwritten.

    The target object is specified by an identifier, object_id.

    If comment is the empty string or a null pointer, any existing comment message is removed from the object.

    Comments should be relatively short, null-terminated, ASCII strings.

    Comments can be attached to any object that has an object header, e.g., datasets, groups, and named datatypes, but not symbolic links.


    Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

    Fortran90 Interface:

    Release     C
    1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

    Name: H5Oset_comment_by_name
    herr_t H5Oset_comment_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *name, const char *comment, hid_t lapl_id )

    Sets comment for specified object.

    H5Oset_comment_by_name sets the comment for the specified object to the contents of comment. Any previously existing comment is overwritten.

    The target object is specified by loc_id and name. loc_id can specify any object in the file. name can be one of the following:
      — The name of the object relative to loc_id
      — An absolute name of the object, starting from /, the file’s root group
      — A dot (.), if loc_id fully specifies the object

    If comment is the empty string or a null pointer, any existing comment message is removed from the object.

    Comments should be relatively short, null-terminated, ASCII strings.

    Comments can be attached to any object that has an object header, e.g., datasets, groups, and named datatypes, but not symbolic links.

    lapl_id contains a link access property list identifier. A link access propety list can come into play when traversing links to access an object.


    Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

    Fortran90 Interface:

    Release     C
    1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

    Name: H5Ovisit
    herr_t H5Ovisit( hid_t group_id, H5_index_t index_type, H5_iter_order_t order, H5O_iterate_t op, void *op_data )

    Recursively visits all objects starting from a specified object.

    H5Ovisit is a recursive iteration function to visit the object object_id and, if object_id is a group, all objects in and below it in an HDF5 file, thus providing a mechanism for an application to perform a common set of operations across all of those objects or a dynamically selected subset. For non-recursive iteration across the members of a group, see H5Literate.

    The group serving as the root of the iteration is specified by it’s group identifier, group_id

    Two parameters are used to establish the iteration: index_type and order.

    index_type specifies the index to be used. If the links in a group have not been indexed by the index type, they will first be sorted by that index then the iteration will begin; if the links have been so indexed, the sorting step will be unnecesary, so the iteration may begin more quickly. Valid values include the following:
         H5_INDEX_NAME Alpha-numeric index on name
         H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER     Index on creation order

    Note that the index type passed in index_type is a best effort setting. If the application passes in a value indicating iteration in creation order and a group is encountered that was not tracked in creation order, that group will be iterated over in alpha-numeric order by name, or name order. (Name order is the native order used by the HDF5 Library and is always available.)

    order specifies the order in which objects are to be inspected along the index specified in index_type. Valid values include the following:
         H5_ITER_INC Increasing order
         H5_ITER_DEC Decreasing order
         H5_ITER_NATIVE     Fastest available order

    The protoype of the callback function op is as follows (as defined in the source code file H5Opublic.h):

    herr_t (*H5O_iterate_t)( hid_t o_id, const char *name, const H5O_info_t *info, void *op_data)

    The parameters of this callback function have the following values or meanings:
         o_id Object that serves as root of the iteration; same value as the H5Ovisit group_id parameter
         name Name of object, relative to o_id, being examined at current step of the iteration
         info H5O_info_t struct containing information regarding that object
         op_data     User-defined pointer to data required by the application in processing the object; a pass-through of the op_data pointer provided with the H5Ovisit_by_name function call

    The H5O_info_t struct is defined (in H5Opublic.h) as follows:

        typedef struct {
        unsigned long       fileno;         /* File number that object is       */
                                            /* located in                       */
        haddr_t             addr;           /* Object address in file           */
        H5O_type_t          type;           /* Basic object type (group,        */
                                            /* dataset, etc.)                   */
        unsigned            rc;             /* Reference count of object        */
        time_t              atime;          /* Access time                      */
        time_t              mtime;          /* Modification time                */
        time_t              ctime;          /* Change time                      */
        time_t              btime;          /* Birth time                       */
        hsize_t             num_attrs;      /* Number of attributes attached    */
                                            /* to object                        */
        struct {
            unsigned version;               /* Version number of header format  */
                                            /* in file                          */
            unsigned nmesgs;                /* Number of object header messages */
            unsigned nchunks;               /* Number of object header chunks   */
            unsigned flags;                 /* Object header status flags       */
            struct {
                hsize_t total;              /* Total space for storing          */
                                            /* object header in file            */
                hsize_t meta;               /* Space within header for object   */
                                            /* header metadata information      */
                hsize_t mesg;               /* Space within header for actual   */
                                            /* message information              */
                hsize_t free;               /* Free space within object header  */
            } space;
            struct {
                uint64_t present;           /* Flags to indicate presence of   */
                                            /* message type in header          */
                uint64_t shared;            /* Flags to indicate whether       */
                                            /* message type is shared in header*/
            } mesg;
        } hdr;
        /* Extra metadata storage for obj & attributes */
        struct {
            H5_ih_info_t   obj;             /* v1/v2 B-tree & local/fractal    */
                                            /* heap for groups;                */
                                            /* B-tree for chunked  datasets    */
            H5_ih_info_t   attr;            /* v2 B-tree & heap for attributes */
        } meta_size;
        } H5O_info_t;

    The H5Ovisit op_data parameter is a user-defined pointer to the data required to process objects in the course of the iteration. This pointer is passed back to each step of the iteration in the callback function’s op_data parameter.

    H5Lvisit and H5Ovisit are companion functions: one for examining and operating on links; the other for examining and operating on the objects that those links point to. Both functions ensure that by the time the function completes successfully, every link or object below the specified point in the file has been presented to the application for whatever processing the application requires.

    hid_t object_id IN: Identifier of the object at which the recursive iteration begins.
    H5_index_t index_type IN: Type of index; valid values include:
    H5_iter_order_t order     IN: Order in which index is traversed; valid values include:
    H5O_iterate_t op IN: Callback function passing data regarding the object to the calling application
    void *op_data IN: User-defined pointer to data required by the application for its processing of the object

    Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

    Fortran90 Interface:

    Release     C
    1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

    Name: H5Ovisit_by_name
    herr_t H5Ovisit_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *object_name, H5_index_t index_type, H5_iter_order_t order, H5O_iterate_t op, void *op_data, hid_t lapl_id )

    Recursively visits all objects starting from a specified object.

    H5Ovisit_by_name is a recursive iteration function to visit the object specified by the loc_id / object_name parameter pair and, if that object is a group, all objects in and below it in an HDF5 file, thus providing a mechanism for an application to perform a common set of operations across all of those objects or a dynamically selected subset. For non-recursive iteration across the members of a group, see H5Literate.

    The object serving as the root of the iteration is specified by the loc_id / object_name parameter pair. loc_id specifies a file or an object in a file; object_name specifies either an object in the file (with an absolute name based in the file’s root group) or an object name relative to loc_id. If loc_id fully specifies the object that is to serve as the root of the iteration, object_name should be '.' (a dot). (Note that when loc_id fully specifies the the object that is to serve as the root of the iteration, the user may wish to consider using H5Ovisit instead of H5Ovisit_by_name.)

    Two parameters are used to establish the iteration: index_type and order.

    index_type specifies the index to be used. If the links in a group have not been indexed by the index type, they will first be sorted by that index then the iteration will begin; if the links have been so indexed, the sorting step will be unnecesary, so the iteration may begin more quickly. Valid values include the following:
         H5_INDEX_NAME Alpha-numeric index on name
         H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER     Index on creation order

    Note that the index type passed in index_type is a best effort setting. If the application passes in a value indicating iteration in creation order and a group is encountered that was not tracked in creation order, that group will be iterated over in alpha-numeric order by name, or name order. (Name order is the native order used by the HDF5 Library and is always available.)

    order specifies the order in which objects are to be inspected along the index specified in index_type. Valid values include the following:
         H5_ITER_INC Increasing order
         H5_ITER_DEC Decreasing order
         H5_ITER_NATIVE     Fastest available order

    The protoype of the callback function op is as follows (as defined in the source code file H5Opublic.h):

    herr_t (*H5O_iterate_t)( hid_t o_id, const char *name, const H5O_info_t *info, void *op_data)

    The parameters of this callback function have the following values or meanings:
         g_id Object that serves as root of the iteration, i.e., identifier of the Object specified by the H5Ovisit_by_name loc_id / object_name parameter pair
         name Name of object, relative to o_id, being examined at current step of the iteration
         info H5O_info_t struct containing information regarding that object
         op_data     User-defined pointer to data required by the application in processing the object; a pass-through of the op_data pointer provided with the H5Ovisit_by_name function call

    The H5O_info_t struct is defined (in H5Opublic.h) as follows:

        typedef struct {
        unsigned long       fileno;         /* File number that object is       */
                                            /* located in                       */
        haddr_t             addr;           /* Object address in file           */
        H5O_type_t          type;           /* Basic object type (group,        */
                                            /* dataset, etc.)                   */
        unsigned            rc;             /* Reference count of object        */
        time_t              atime;          /* Access time                      */
        time_t              mtime;          /* Modification time                */
        time_t              ctime;          /* Change time                      */
        time_t              btime;          /* Birth time                       */
        hsize_t             num_attrs;      /* Number of attributes attached    */
                                            /* to object                        */
        struct {
            unsigned version;               /* Version number of header format  */
                                            /* in file                          */
            unsigned nmesgs;                /* Number of object header messages */
            unsigned nchunks;               /* Number of object header chunks   */
            unsigned flags;                 /* Object header status flags       */
            struct {
                hsize_t total;              /* Total space for storing          */
                                            /* object header in file            */
                hsize_t meta;               /* Space within header for object   */
                                            /* header metadata information      */
                hsize_t mesg;               /* Space within header for actual   */
                                            /* message information              */
                hsize_t free;               /* Free space within object header  */
            } space;
            struct {
                uint64_t present;           /* Flags to indicate presence of   */
                                            /* message type in header          */
                uint64_t shared;            /* Flags to indicate whether       */
                                            /* message type is shared in header*/
            } mesg;
        } hdr;
        /* Extra metadata storage for obj & attributes */
        struct {
            H5_ih_info_t   obj;             /* v1/v2 B-tree & local/fractal    */
                                            /* heap for groups;                */
                                            /* B-tree for chunked  datasets    */
            H5_ih_info_t   attr;            /* v2 B-tree & heap for attributes */
        } meta_size;
        } H5O_info_t;

    The H5Ovisit_by_name op_data parameter is a user-defined pointer to the data required to process objects in the course of the iteration. This pointer is passed back to each step of the iteration in the callback function’s op_data parameter.

    lapl_id is a link access property list. In the general case, when default link access properties are acceptable, this can be passed in as H5P_DEFAULT. An example of a situation that requires a non-default link access property list is when the link is an external link; an external link may require that a link prefix be set in a link access property list (see H5Pset_elink_prefix).

    H5Lvisit_by_name and H5Ovisit_by_name are companion functions: one for examining and operating on links; the other for examining and operating on the objects that those links point to. Both functions ensure that by the time the function completes successfully, every link or object below the specified point in the file has been presented to the application for whatever processing the application requires.

    hid_t loc_id IN: Identifier of a file or group
    const char *object_name IN: Name of the object, generally relative to loc_id, that will serve as root of the iteration
    H5_index_t index_type IN: Type of index; valid values include:
    H5_iter_order_t order     IN: Order in which index is traversed; valid values include:
    H5O_iterate_t op IN: Callback function passing data regarding the object to the calling application
    void *op_data IN: User-defined pointer to data required by the application for its processing of the object
    hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list identifier

    Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

    Fortran90 Interface:

    Release     C
    1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

    HDF5 documents and links 
    Introduction to HDF5 
    HDF5 User Guide 
    And in this document, the HDF5 Reference Manual 
    H5DS   H5IM   H5LT   H5PT   H5TB 
    H5   H5A   H5D   H5E   H5F   H5G   H5I 
    H5L   H5O   H5P   H5R   H5S   H5T   H5Z 
    Tools   Datatypes   Fortran   Compatibility Macros  

    THG Help Desk:
    Describes HDF5 Release 1.8.0, January 2008.