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Newsletter #100
February 15, 2008


This newsletter marks the release of three new versions of the HDF software:

    HDF5 1.8.0, HDF5 1.6.7, and HDF 4.2r3

HDF5 1.8.0 is a major release with file format changes, as well as many new features. The file format changes will affect backward/forward compatibility with previous releases. For detailed information on how this may affect your existing HDF5 applications and files, please read the document on "New Features in Release 1.8.0 and Format Compatibility Considerations":


Not all users with existing applications will be willing or able to move to the HDF5 1.8.0 release because of these major changes. We are therefore continuing to support the HDF5 1.6 branch of HDF5. HDF5 1.6.7 is a point release with a few important changes, described below.

The HDF 4.2r3 release is also a point release with a few changes.

Release of HDF5 1.8.0

We are very pleased to announce the release of HDF5 1.8.0. HDF5 1.8.0 is a major release with many changes and new features.

Links to the HDF5 1.8.0 source code, documentation, and additional materials can be found on the HDF5 web page at:


The HDF5 1.8.0 release can be obtained from:


User documentation for 1.8.0 can be accessed directly from:


The "What's New in HDF5 1.8.0" document describes the new features in HDF5 1.8.0:


All new and modified APIs are listed in detail in the "HDF5 Software Changes from Release to Release" document, in the section "Release 1.8.0 (current release) versus Release 1.6.x":


For detailed information on platforms supported, supported configuration features and known problems, please refer to the release notes.

Release of HDF5 1.6.7

The latest release of HDF5 1.6, version 1.6.7, is now available from the HDF5 web page at:


The HDF5 1.6.7 release can be obtained from:


Documentation for HDF5 1.6.7 can be found at:


Changes in 1.6.7 include:

The "HDF5 Software Changes from Release to Release" document lists API-level changes between HDF5 1.6.7 and earlier releases:


For detailed information on platforms supported, supported configuration features and known problems, please refer to the release notes:


Release of HDF 4.2r3

HDF 4.2r3 is now available from the HDF 4 web page at:


HDF 4.2r3 can be downloaded from:


The HDF 4.2r3 documentation will soon be available from:


Changes in HDF 4.2r3 include:

FTP Site

The recent problems with the HDF Group's ftp server have been corrected. If you encounter any problems downloading software from the HDF Group web site, please let us know.

- - Last modified: May 14th 2008