configfile: compilers: &compilers C: name: GCC: versionmin: 4.4 INTEL: versionmin: 15 MAC: versionmin: 6.0 32_VS2012: versionmin: 2012 64_VS2012: versionmin: 2012 32_VS2013: versionmin: 2013 64_VS2013: versionmin: 2013 32_VS2015: versionmin: 2015 64_VS2015: versionmin: 2015 distribute: &distribute status: true srctar: hdf5-examples-master testparams: &testparams buildtype: Release bincheck: false publish: true testoptions: &testoptions cdashoption: true externallibs: &externallibs with-hdf5: any: hdf5 cmakefiles: &cmakefiles The HDF Group.pfx: The HDF Group.pfx ctest_params: &ctest_params hdf5location: HDF_Group/HDF5/1.8.23 location: HDF_Group/HDF5/1.8.23 ctest_opts: &ctest_opts CDASH_LOCAL: true REPOSITORY_URL: REPOSITORY_BRANCH: master RELctest_opts: &RELctest_opts <<: *ctest_opts LOCAL_SIGN_PACKAGE: true SIGN_DESC: | "HDF Libraries Examples" conflibparams: &conflibparams with-hdf5: any: hdf5 ctest_conf: &STDctest_conf CDASH_LOCAL: BOOL: ON BUILD_TESTING: BOOL: ON ctest_btbinary: &ctest_btbinary 'hdf518/binaries/': 'HDF518StandardRWDICMake-%s' atest_sbinary: &atest_sbinary 'hdf518/binaries/': 'hdf5-1.8-%s-x86_64-static' atest_btbinary: &atest_btbinary 'hdf518/binaries/': 'hdf5-1.8-%s-x86_64-shared' atest_pubbinary: &atest_pubbinary 'hdf518/binaries/': 'hdf5-1.8-%s-x86_64-shared' StdStat: compilers: *compilers bbparams: distribute: *distribute testparams: <<: *testparams publishsource: false testoptions: <<: *testoptions buildoption: static buildsys: ctest: envparams: ftpbinary: <<: *ctest_btbinary files: <<: *cmakefiles HDF.cmake: HDF518Examplesconfig.cmake binaryfolder: hdf cdash_model: HDF518 testparams: <<: *ctest_params ctest_opts: <<: *RELctest_opts SITE_BUILDNAME_SUFFIX: STATIC CTEST_USE_GIT_SOURCE: true ctest_conf: <<: *STDctest_conf HDF_BUILD_FORTRAN: BOOL: ON BUILD_SHARED_LIBS: BOOL: OFF USE_SHARED_LIBS: BOOL: OFF autotools: envparams: ftpbinary: <<: *atest_btbinary pubbinary: <<: *atest_sbinary hdfpack: hdf confparams: <<: *conflibparams production: enable externallibs: *externallibs StdShar: compilers: *compilers bbparams: distribute: *distribute testparams: <<: *testparams publishsource: false testoptions: <<: *testoptions buildoption: Shared buildsys: ctest: envparams: ftpbinary: <<: *ctest_btbinary files: <<: *cmakefiles HDF.cmake: HDF518Examplesconfig.cmake binaryfolder: hdf cdash_model: HDF518 testparams: <<: *ctest_params ctest_opts: <<: *RELctest_opts SITE_BUILDNAME_SUFFIX: SHARED CTEST_USE_GIT_SOURCE: true ctest_conf: <<: *STDctest_conf HDF_BUILD_FORTRAN: BOOL: ON HDF_BUILD_FILTERS: BOOL: ON BUILD_SHARED_LIBS: BOOL: ON USE_SHARED_LIBS: BOOL: ON autotools: envparams: ftpbinary: <<: *atest_btbinary pubbinary: <<: *atest_pubbinary hdfpack: hdf confparams: <<: *conflibparams production: enable externallibs: *externallibs