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H5IN: Indexing Interface

Index API Functions

The indexing API allows the user to create an index over a specific dataset and then query efficiently over that dataset.

The C Interfaces:

Alphabetical Listing

Name: H5INcreate
hid_t H5INcreate( const char *grp_name, hid_t grp_loc_id, const hid_t property_list, hid_t data_loc_id,
const char *data_loc_name, const char *field_name, hsize_t max_mem_size hbin_type_t bin_type, hsize_t num_bins void * bins )
Creates an index.
H5INcreate creates an index, named field_name/data_loc_name, (for compound/atomic data types respectively), in the group grp_name, at location grp_loc_id, on the dataset data_loc_name at th location data_loc_id. If the dataset pointed to by the data_loc_name is of atomic, then the field_name attribute should be NULL, else if it is a compound data type, then the field_name decides on which field in the data type the index has to be created.

The parameters bin_type, num_bins, bins are used to define the binning strategy to be used in the indexing.

hbin_type_t   H5IN_NO_BINS   No Bins to be created
hbin_type_t H5IN_EW_BINS Equi-width bins to be used.
hbin_type_t H5IN_USER_BINS User provided bins to be used.

In the case where the user provided bins are to be used the bins variable is used to define the bins. No type checks are done for the bins. It is assumed that the bins are of the same type as the data that is being indexed.

The parameter property_list defines the properties of the dataset where the index is to be stored.

The parameter max_mem_size decides the maximum memory size that can be allocated for sorting. While most datasets can be stored in memory for sorting assuming that for all datasets would be incorrect. This parameter controls the amount of memory the user wants to allocate for the index creation.

Returns the identifier to the group where the index is tored if succesful, otherwise returns a negative value.

Name: H5INquery
hid_t H5INquery(hid_t dataset, const char **keys, void *ubounds, void *lbounds, int nkeys )
To query a dataset.
Queries the given dataset over the keys provided. The current implementation just covers AND queries over the various keys, with individual range queries for each key. The parameter nkeys specifies the number of keys over which the query is done. If the dataset being queried does not have an index, the current implementation just returns an error. If the dataset is of atomic type query can be only on one key (has to be the datasetname), where as in case of compound datatype the query can be on multiple keys(has to be name of the fields on which the index is built). Again no type checking is done, it is assumed that the types of the bounds correspond to the type of the key.
Returns valid identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

HDF5 documents and links 
Introduction to HDF5 
HDF5 User Guide 

HDF Help Desk
Describes HDF5 Release 1.6.5, November 2005